3424 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Care Plans

Choosing The Right Type Of Care For You

Choosing the type of care that fits your needs at this point in your life is one of the most important decisions you can make. Your health is unlike anyone else and it is your responsibility. My goal is to give you the information and support to make an informed decision about your health care. The choice is yours.

My main goal is to help you to make educated choices in regard to the different types of health care available in my office. There are three types of care:

  • Do Nothing Right Now
  • Relief/Patch Care
  • Corrective Care

Do Nothing Right Now

Although “Do Nothing Right Now” reflects a “save it for a rainy day” attitude, most people understand that the problem will most likely get worse with time. Maybe the symptoms will go away, but the underlying problem still needs to be addressed. I trust that you received important information about your body, but if you are unsure, please consult with me about your specific health condition. Your future may depend on it. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Relief/Patch Care

This type of care is designed for people who want to focus only on relieving immediate symptoms. This is similar to taking an aspirin for low back pain or placing a band-aid over the pain. The pain may temporarily go away but the pain is typically an effect from an underlying cause.

Ignoring the cause often leads to more serious problems. In the same way, pressure on the spine and the nervous system can alter physical and chemical structures, possibly leading to dysfunction and degeneration of the soft tissue, nerves, muscles, ligaments, disc and bone. The problem will most likely return again and again as we age, often becoming worse.

I am glad to address relief for your immediate symptoms and we can always address and correct the underlying problems later.

Corrective /Maintenance Care

This is where chiropractic care shines and helps you get the most out of your body for the rest of your life. It goes beyond providing immediate pain relief. This care addresses the underlying cause of your problem. Correcting vertebral subluxations (joint fixations), removes the interference in your spine and allows the nervous system to function properly. This level of care is similar to rehabilitation designed to bring about stabilization, improved function, and healing. This process takes Time, Repetition, Energy and Patience.

Once your nervous system has started the healing process and functions closer to 100%, it pays you back many times over. You may develop a stronger immune system, higher energy levels, better sleep patterns, clearer mental focus and a higher quality of Life.

Morning Hours


Afternoon Hours


Office Location

Walk-In Chiropractic

Belgrade Office

Office Hours

Please call (406) 442-1899 for Office Hours.